Rainbow Bright
Our Staff
All staff have fingerprint clearance and are certified in CPR and First Aid. We maintain a teacher to student ratio of at least 1 to 12 with most of the time being no more than 1 to 10. Our classroom teachers all have at least 12 ECE units and are working toward their AA degree in ECE or similar.

A note from the Director
My name is Catherine Evenson and have been in the ECE field for more than 20 years. I fell in love with working with small children from a very early age. I taught Sunday School and Children's Church at First Mennonite Church and did a lot of baby-sitting through my high school days. I knew as I grew older that this was the path which God had laid out for me and once out of high school pursued my degree in Early Childhood Education.
In my 20 years in the field, I have seen many changes come to how we approach the education of our most precious minds. The amount of knowledge a child under 5 can absorb and process baffles my own mind. I want to do everything in my power to help flourish that growth of knowledge in every child who passes through our doors. Here at RBCLC my goal is to plant as many seeds as I can in each child from the ABC's and 123's to the power in the faith in our Lord God. With the help of my amazing staff, we water all the seeds through a play based approach to learning. Seeing each seed take off in a child's development is the greatest reward for us! Our goal is that whether a child is with us for one day or three years, they will leave feeling the love of accomplishing their goals and knowing they are loved by our Father in Heaven!
-Catherine Evenson
Our Motto:
" Where God's Little Promises
Grow and Learn"
Your child is the promise of God that the world continues. Our Rainbow Bright Staff wants your child to discover their God-given talents and abilities, balanced with loving direction as the recipe for educational success. Our prayer for all of our families is that we work together to help their little ones succeed in this learning process. There is no better feeling in the world than to see the happiness in their eyes and their excitement, too, when they have completed a task successfully! It empowers them to strive for their next discovery.
Helping Children
Grow and Learn!
Rainbow Bright CLC has been in operation since August 1989 as a form of community outreach by the First Mennonite Church of Paso Robles. Their goal was to provide quality child care in the community while providing a Christian based faith for the child as well as the family. The church approached Rebecca Rios and Helen Toevs (who was/is a member of FMC) from Paso Robles Christian School Child Development Center to start the process of licensing the center. Initially, RBCLC was licensed for 20 children, but in 2003 with a generous donation from a benefactor, an addition was built and doubled the capacity to 40 children. Through our play based learn approach, we allow your child to learn and grow at their own pace, while still preparing them for the vast educational world in their future. It is also RBCLC goal to plant the seeds of faith in every child, so as they take on the world, they know our Lord and Savior is by their side to help along the way!